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Dean Seeman
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  • 11 The second part of the book is on Oriental standards of living, written by W.A. Carrothers. Has a chapter on the Chinese in B.C. Contains extensive population statistics comparing the Japanese and Chinese in B.C. Has an insightful analysis of the occupations and standards of living of the Orientals in B.C. in relation to the issue of assimilation. Lavell, M. M. C. Oriental Missions in B.C. Toronto, Women's Missionary Society, 1909 (PA) pamphlet NWp 285.711 L399 Propaganda pamphlet provided by the Women's Missionary Society concerning the converting of Orientals arriving into Canada. Morton, James. In the Sea of Sterile Mountains. 1974. (UBC-Sp. Col.) FC 3850 C3 M67 (VPL) 323. 1711 M88i Ref A book telling of bitter prejudice and political chicanery and of five generations of Chinese surviving in B.C. from 1858 to the 1970's. It was reviewed by Alan Morely in "Yellow Peril was Nothing More than BC Bigotry", Chinatown News, Vol. 22, no. 7, Dec. 3, 1974, p. 13. Morely acclaims the book as a basic text of anti-Oriental laws and politics in B.C., but criticizes it as being almost entirely based on "White" sources. Pollard, Anne. "Chinese-British Columbia." Missionary Notices of the Methodist Church of Canada. Third Series, No. 5 Jan. 1876, pp. 80-82. (PA) NW285 M678 Correspondence explaining progress of missionary work among the Chinese in B.C. Mission school also provided English and Bible classes. Number of students ranged from 17 to 68. Robson, Ebenzer. "Chinese Methodist Missions in B.C." Western Methodist Recorder. Vol. 2, no. 6, Dec. 1900, pp. 5-6. (PA) NW 286.711 W526 v. 2 Special Committee on Orientals in B.C. Report and Recommendations. Ottawa, King's Printer. 1940. (UBC-Main) JV7204 A81 1940,
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