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Dean Seeman
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Filename: 144_Bib_Chinese-Canadian1979_015.tif
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  • 15 of Cultural Diversity in B.C. (Ed.) Julian Minghi. Vancouver, Tantalus Research Ltd., 1972. (UBC-Main) F5028 M554 Discusses the residential patterns of Chinese in Vancouver. "City Nights Theatre Exists." Vancouver Sun. March 8, 1977. (VCA) newsclipping: Chinese-Hastings Street. Discusses the fate of a Chinese cinema which was forced to undergo renovation due to safety regulations. "Corner Stores Fight to make ends Meet." Province. Feb. l6, 1977, (VCA) newsclipping: Chinese-Business: small in Vancouver Reviews the difficulties in operating a corner store, which are the small businesses largely operated by Chinese in Vancouver. Davis, Chuck. (Ed.) The Vancouver Book. North Vancouver, J. J. Douglas, 1976. (UBC-Sedge.) FC 3847.3 V35 1976 Among the diverse topics covered in the book are three articles on the Chinese in Vancouver. 1. "Strathcona" by Hayne Wai, pp. 106-107. 2. "The Chinese Community" by a group of Brittania Secondary School students, pp. 216-218. 3. "Chinese New Year" by Brittania Secondary School students, p. 218. "Demolition of the old Oriental Hospital marks the end of an Era." Province. Jan. 9, 1978. (VCA) newsclipping: Chinese-Campbell Street. An account on the Oriental hospital which underwent demolition. "Men from Chinese Hospital find Exotic World in Cathay," Vancouver Sun. Feb, 16, 1978, (VCA) newsclippings: Chinese-Union Street Describes the new home for the elderly Chinese who were residents of the Oriental hospital.
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