Transcript |
- on a branch about 3' [feet] above the ground! Some
young stayed outside to follow parents about.
Drove back to camp; as alone, perfected art of winching
Land Rover without help of second man.
After supper Peter Henson trundled in to say he
thought he might have a ride for us to Langara [Island]. I went
into town with him to see troller Alex Taylor [line underneath Taylor indicating last name was filled in at a later date]. He would
take us out Tuesday a.m. [morning] Snack (!) at Hensons then back
to camp. Midnight again, before we new [knew] it!
May 30 [1960]
Got muskrat in trap (photo of location) - busy
all morning getting organized to leave camp. Left
after lunch and made for the 5 beaver traps. Two
set off + 1 missing. On way back to town
checked wren nest + found all young gone. In to
town to purchase food for trip. Shower at police
station (Scot McKay), met Peter [Henson] who again asked
us over to supper. Later saw Alex [Taylor] who put
trip off a day. So for night decided to
camp at buildings S.E. [southeast] Tow Hill 2 mi [miles]. On way
out set 5 muskrat traps by old campsite in
McIntosh meadows. At Tow Hill campsite
searched for bats but no luck. Set no
mouse traps.
9. [crossed out]
May 31 [1960]
Tried some fishing in river just past Tow Hill but
as low tide, no luck. Dr [crossed out] Gave the Land Rover
its 48,000 mile check up. Drove on West
to White Creek. Here we followed the creek
3/4 hour inland thru [through] parklike glades of
mossy forests, dark brown pools in the creek.
Many (4+) families of Winter wrens fresh
out of the nest. Large flock of Red Crossbills
overhead. Old beaver sign noticed; some of them
could have been washed down the river in
high water. Walk today didn't take us as
far as the meadows reported to be up
stream. Checked 4 muskrat traps at McIntosh
meadows and found one. It joined first in
freezer in cannery. Here picked up 3 freshly
boiled crabs + proceeded to Alex's [Taylor] boat. Raining
and blowing hard. Good to get into a warm
and dry spot for supper. Had the crabs,
and a full pressure cooker of veg. [vegetables] as usual.
Proceeded hence to Sam Simpsons
(Cannery owner) where we were to pick
up the small 8' [foot] fiberglass boat. P. [Peter] Henson
was there so stayed hour or so watching
the turbulent Masset [Massett] Inlet out the window
Tide rip strong. Philosophised on Sweitjes[?]...
S.S. [Sam Simpson] thinks muskrats introduced 1776. Finally
returned to vessel for night.