Transcript |
- 198 [left page number]
[same as previous image except text on verso of photo, center left]
Spokane Police Department
Name Thos [Thomas] Murphy
Alias Blake
Nativity Irish
Occupation Labourer
Criminal Occupation Hold up
Age 26 Height 5 7
Weight 160 Build Stout
Complexion Dark Eyes Hazel
Color of Hair Dark
Color of Mustache none
Color of Beard "
Style of Beard "
Date of Arrest Dec 19 1900
Where Arrested Spokane
Crime Charged Hold Up
Peculiarities of Build, Features, Scars,
Marks, etc.
Plain Scar across
Left CHeek
Sentenced to 6 years
199 [right page number]
[same as previous image except text on verso of photo, upper right]
Form 55-3-'01-10M-AE
P.N.D.A. No. 132-137
NAME... Geo. [George] T. McDonnell. No. 446 F
ALIAS... H.C. Stanley
RESIDENCE... San Francisco, Cal.
NATIVITY... United States COLOR...White
OCCUPATION... Canvasser
CRIMINAL OCCUPATION... Forger and Counterfeiter
AGE...55 years (1901). HEIGHT...5ft. 9 in.
WEIGHT... 160 lbs. BUILD...Fairly good
COLOR OF HAIR... Dark brown, mixed with gray.
EYES... Blue NOSE... Medium
STYLE OF BEARD... Full, round
COLOR OF SAME... Dark brown, mixed with gray.
DATE OF ARREST... April 25, 1901
CRIME CHARGED... Counterfeiting
Bald to back of head; round cut above left
eyebrow; curve cut middle finger.
REMARKS: Is a skillful forger, check and
draft operator; served a term of imprison-
ment in England; recently arrested and
released in California.
Wass associated with
Bidwell Bros in robbery
of Bank of England!