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- marks on the paws are a device that is used from the Tang to Ming dynasties.
41 Breasted Bird
mottled black, brown and white jade, length 3.7 cm Tang - Yuan McElney Collection
Figure of a bird with human breasts belongs pro�bably to the category of bird-shaped hat ornaments related to shamanistic bird deities. Flat base is per�forated for attachment. The tradition of this type of object was carried on through the Liao and Jin kingdoms into the Yuan period.
42 Dog
greyish white jade with grey and yellowish suffu�sions, length 6.2 cm Tang - Song
Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV
Realistically modelled crouching dog, with head turned back and tail curled up on leg.
43 Rabbit
white jade, length 5 cm Song
McElney Collection
Carving of a plain crouching rabbit with grooved ears and nicely shaped head.
44 Horse
mottled white and brown jade, length 7.5 cm Song
McElney Collection
Recumbent horse with its relatively small head rest�ing on its two front legs; its striated tail coming up over the left leg. Many of the Song pottery animals show the same feature of the head resting on the front legs and even the colour of the jade is consis�tent with a Song dating. Horses with small heads are found in Song paintings and in the processional way to the Northern Song imperial tombs.
45 Goose Toggle
pale greenish white jade with russet markings,
height 4.6 cm
McElney Collection
Small toggle in the shape of a goose, its head point�ing straight up in the air; details of feathers and legs on bottom side are incised. The attitude of the head is characteristic of this period. There is a central perforation in the body.
46 Kneeling Figure
greenish white jade with russet markings, height
4.8 cm
McElney Collection
Figure of a kneeling boy holding a vessel and dressed in a shawl typical of the period. He has
finely striated hair flowing onto his shoulders and wears a coronet.
47 Belt Hook
white jade with pale brown staining, length 8.5 cm Probably Song McElney Collection
The belt hook is in the shape of a dragon�s head with the broad surface decorated with a sinuouszhi dragon in full relief. The reverse is concave with plain stud. Belt hooks have been in use since the Warring States period.
48 Belt Hook
white jade with brown markings, length 9 cm Late Song - Yuan McElney Collection
Belt hook with hook shaped in the form of a ram�s head. The shaft, decorated with incised spirals in slight relief, shows the influence of archaism sug�gesting a late Song date.
49 Boy with Lotus
white jade with brown markings, height 5.5 cm Southern Song - Jin McElney Collection
Boy dressed in a long robe tied at the waist with tassels at the back; hair done in two tufts; holds a lotus flower over his left shoulder with both hands; the left foot is raised. The features are well done.
50 Double Astragals (knuckle-bones) greenish white jade, length 6 cm Liao-Jin or later
McElney Collection
Astragals (knuckle-bones) were used from the Liao period onwards as dice for gambling or for chil�dren�s games. Because they are perforated, they were probably used as pendants. Astragals were common grave items in burials of the Liao and Jin periods (tenth-thirteenth century) in north China. They were also executed in bronze and other hard- stones.
51 Cup
mottled greenish grey, brown and black jade, dia�meter 8.7 cm Song - Yuan McElney Collection
Shallow cup with straight sides imitating a ceramic shape typical of Southern Song and Yuan times. Of inferior quality jade, but finely shaped and finished.
52 Small Ewer
pale green with brown markings, length 8.2 cm, height 3.2 cm Song - Ming McElney Collection
Small ewer completely plain except for the handle which is decorated with a single horned zhi dragon head. The shape of this vessel is derived from the bronze yi ewer of the Zhou dynasty.