ChineseJade 9

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Tiffany Chan
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Creator Transcript
  • Foreword Chinese Jade: Stone for the Emperors marks a new first for the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, and it is both a pleasure and an honour to be able to present this major exhibition. We are also delighted to be able to co-ordinate a national tour of these rare and exciting jades. The exhibiton, tour and publication are sponsored by the Hongkong Bank of Canada, and it is through their generous support that this exhibition becomes one of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria�s highlight exhibitions. Curated and co-authored by Barry Till and Paula Swart, the exhibition draws primarily from two major private Hong Kong collections, those of Brian McElney and Charles Dyer. Pieces from the Gallery�s collection are included too. The exhi�bit spans a 4,500-year period, and becomes a focal exhibition in our Asian program Jade has long been treasured in China, and the pieces in this exhibit are testi�mony to the artistry, craftsmanship and skill of the carvers. The pieces range in colour from the white jade, through bronze shades, to the characteristic green. Many have never before been published, or seen in North America. We are very grateful both to Brian McElney and to Unique Jade of the Ancient Chinese: The Dyer Ancestral Collection for their generosity in their loans. I would particularly like to thank Hongkong Bank of Canada for making the realization of this project possible through their corporate sponsorship. It does indeed serve again to underline the importance of both culture and business in the increasing strengthening of Pacific Rim relationships. The ideas and concerns of mankind over the centuries have been expressed through their art. Having this special opportunity to view these jades, understand�ing their important role in China�s past, does indeed give us a very keen insight into traditions past, thus giving us the background for understanding the art, cul�ture and lifestyles today. In this time of strengthening ties between East and West we are very grateful to Hongkong Bank of Canada for this sponsorship. Thanks too go to both the lenders, without whose generosity there would be no exhibition. To Barry Till and Paula Swart I extend my personal gratitude for all the work in planning and co-ordinating both the exhibit and publication. Through them too go my thanks to all who assisted them. We are proud to present this exhibit and tour, and trust it will open new doors of understanding. Patricia E. Bovey Director January 1986 7
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