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- (left) Snuff Bottle � Tabatiere � Qing dynasty,
19th century � nephrite, pale green with one side russet brown (dyed?) � Gift of the Joy DeWeese- Wehen Estate, AGGV 2003.004.021 � (middle, right) Snuff Bottles � Tabatieres � Qing dynasty, 19th century � nephrite � Gift of Helen Sawyer, AGGV 1995.012.050,1995.012.066
Snuff Bottles � Tabatieres � Qing dynasty,
19th century � nephrite � Gift of David Young, AGGV 1999.039.003, Gift of Helen Sawyer, AGGV 1995.012.063 , Gift of Mrs. Shih Hua Chao and Mr. Shih Tsun Lee, AGGV 2007.009.008
Snuff Bottle with relief design of a woman, man, birds, trees and shrubs � Tabatiere avec motif en relief d'une femme, d'un homme, d'oiseaux, d'arbres et d'arbustes � late 19th/early 20th century � chalcedony � From the Collection of Bruce and Dorothy Brown, given by their son Tony Brown, AGGV 2005.034.004