From-Geisha-to-Diva 6

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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 03, 2024 at 11:54
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Filename: 3377_GeishaToDiva_006.tif
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Creator Transcript
  • Acknowledgements It has been a great pleasure working on this project. The donation of these kimonos from Mrs. Fumi Suzuki (a former confidante of Ichimaru) of Tokyo and Mrs.Yoshiko Karasawa of West Vancouver, BC has greatly enriched our collection of Asian art at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. A single donation of this magnitude is exciting and most welcome as a complete exhibition in itself and we are most grateful and appreciative of the donors. In addition to the sponsors thanked in Mr. Arpin�s foreword, I would like to thank several staff members for their assistance: Chris Russell for installation and packing; Ann Tighe for co-ordination of the national tour; Mary-ellen Threadkell for editing and labels; Donovan Barrow for making the armatures; and Bob Matheson for the excellent photography. Special thanks go to Guy Buchholtzer for the French translation. I would also like to thank Mr. Bunzo Nakanishi for all his helpful suggestions. Most of all it has been a real joy working with Michiko Warkentyne and Judith Patt in cataloguing this wonderful collection. Both have contributed immensely to the section on Ichimaru�s kimonos, and Michiko has been most generous with translating several passages in Japanese about Ichimaru. I would also like to thank Shirley Collis for her helpful suggestions. Poster of Ichimaru Poster d�Ichimaru Barry Till Curator of Asian Art September 2001 3
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