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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 04, 2024 at 11:00
Height: 6174
Width: 4528
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File Size: 83917224
Filename: Antique-Chinese_044.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-04T18:47:21.987Z
Original Checksum: 397b20b82eb18cffc11e9ca1c1b3cd71
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Creator Transcript
  • 41 Tortoise Qing dynasty; late igth/early 20th century h. 9 cm; Browser�s Corner Antiques This tortoise, with raised head and tail, was probably an incense burner or a finial. The tortoise is a symbol of longevity. The cover, which is formed by the turtle shell, is decorated with a rich brocade pattern of hexagonal shapes. The rest of the body is covered with stylized dragon and bird de- signs and the underside has a striped pat- tern. The colours include: red, yellow, pink, white, dark blue, dark green, and mixed blue and white on a blue ground. 42 Pair of Cranes Qing dynasty; late igth/early 20th century h. 18.2 cm; Browser�s Corner Antiques These standing cranes are decorated with stylized dragons, birds and archaistic de- signs, such as the monster or taotie mask on the chest. Cranes were regarded as sym- bols of longevity. The colours include: red, white, black, pink, cobalt blue, yellow, spinach green and light green on a blue ground.
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