File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-08
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-08
- Fixity Check
- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 2741
Width: 1866
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15369406
Filename: 7890_img_086.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T22:11:19.375Z
Original Checksum: dea3382dfbea8a61b7bdd2041d3a51b0
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator |
Transcript |
- Lac La Hache July 20/48 [1948].
Spent the day in Williams Lake
+ out with [Leo] Jobin. With him
went to a hawks nest on the
Bluff east of Williams Lake.. It was
in a narrow cleft near the
north end of the cliff. Found
it to be a peregrines nest.
Then drove west of the lake
+ down the airport road +
to Lewis Lake. Left the car
+ hiked down the S [South] side of
a big gulch about 1 1/2 miles
to an abandoned prospect
hole in which the lump-nosed
bats winter.
On Lewis Lake saw.
Canvasback broods of 8, + 20 + 2 [female symbol]'s
Baldpate 8
Ruddy 7 + 7.
Gadwall or Baldpate 8
Another lake close by was
reported to be even better.
Lac La Hache July 21/48 [1948]
Went to Soda Lake + though
the lake itself was unproductive
2 adjacent sloughs contained
Redheads 9, 11, 12 (classes 1 + 2)
Baldpates 5 ads. [adults]
Blue w [winged] teal 2 ad [adults]
Goldeneye + 25 moulting ads [adults] - + 14 yng [young]
Bufflehead + 3 yng. [young] Mallard 5 yng. [young]