img024 Public

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Dean Seeman
Date Uploaded
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 18:32
Height: 5053
Width: 4802
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 72834158
Filename: img024.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-07T04:09:28.843Z
Original Checksum: 5b266c75db29b25d0750eff10e4e379f
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • Translated transcription: On their way to the shore they came across a young wolf. Hungry and curious, the animal would not move aside for the children. Then Haraldr boldly advances towards it and with daring blows drives it from the children‘s path. Vébjörg herself is not afraid, but here she does concede the leading role to the boy. She loves to be under her foster-brother’s protection and to give him an opportunity to show his courage. The four-footed grey robber has to back down; it has looked in the boy’s eyes, how they became fixed and determined, and dares not fight. The children see it disappear into the dark depths of the forest and continue their game unconcerned. But the animal does not lose its interest in what they are up to. Watching unseen, the wild beast follows them; but it is as if the children’s fearless unconcern is more frightening than the stick or the stones the boy manages to cast in its direction when he becomes aware of their shadower.
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