Images-from-the-Tomb 9

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Creator Transcript
  • A cknowledgements There are a great number of people to thank for their participation in this exhibit and publication. First, we would like to thank the private lenders who have generously loaned their figurines to this exhibition: Mrs. Marion Menzies Hummel, Mrs. Frances Menzies Newcombe, Mr. Arthur Menzies, Mrs. M. A. Low-Beer, Mr. Jay Rangel and Mr. Brian S. McElney (who lent a sizeable number of interesting and rare figurines to the exhibit). We are most grateful to the following people and institutions for making their artifacts available to this exhibit: Martin Segger (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery), Carol Mayer (UBC Museum of Anthropology), Michael Knight (Seattle Art Museum), Robert Little (Montreal Museum of Fine Arts), Regina Mantin (New Brunswick Museum); and a special thanks to Patty Proctor of the Royal Ontario Museum, whom we hope will someday have the opportunity to publish the Royal Ontario Museum collection of Chinese tomb figurines, which is the largest outside of China. The assistance of the following staff members has been vital to the success of both the exhibition and the publication: Linda McKay, Anne Kent, Rachel Hesse, Arietta Stephens, Michelle Poirier, Ann McMurdo, Chris Russell and Brian Patten. Also, Mr. Alain Grenier must be thanked for the French translation and Mr. Eric Dowse for the photography of the private collections and the collections of the MAMG and AGGV. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the National Museums Corporation for making this large project a reality. Barry Till and Paula Swart December 1987 Remerciements Ont collabore � cette exposition et � la presente publication de nombreuses personnes, qu�il convient ici de remercier. Nous aimerions d�abord souligner la generosite des particuliers qui ont bien voulu nous prefer leurs figurines: Mme Marion Menzies Hummel, Mme Frances Menzies Newcombe, M. Arthur Menzies, Mme M. A. Low-Beer, M. Jay Rangel et M. Brian S. McElney (qui a prete un nombre appreciable de figurines interessantes et rares). Nous aimerions aussi exprimer notre reconnaissance envers les personnes sui- vantes et les etablissements qu�elles represented pour avoir mis leurs pieces � notre disposition: Martin Segger (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery), Carol Mayer (Musee d�anthropologie de l�universite de la C.-B.), Michael Knight (Seattle Art Museum), Robert Little (Musee des Beaux-Arts de Montreal) et Regina Mantin (Musee du Nouveau-Brunswick), sans oublier Patty Proctor du Musee royal de l�Ontario, � qui nous souhaitons de pouvoir un jour publier la collection des figurines funeraires de ce musee, la plus grande hors de Chine. Ni (�exposition ni la publication n�auraient pu voir le jour sans l�aide de certains de nos confreres et consoeurs de travail: Linda McKay, Anne Kent, Rachel Hesse, Arietta Stephens, Michelle Poirier, Ann McMurdo, Chris Russell et Brian Patten. En outre, nous desirons remercier M. Alain Grenier pour la traduction frangaise. Enfin, nous aimerions sincerement remercier les Musees nationaux du Canada pour avoir rendu ce projet d�envergure possible. Barry Till et Paula Swart Decembre 1987 7
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