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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 868
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File Size: 1165474
Filename: pp_024.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:58:25.887Z
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Creator Transcript
  • The 2nd [second] year students spend about 10 days of work here. May 8, 1953. Left Edinburgh at 9:10 + drove to Pitlochry via Queensferry. Then met a warm welcome from George Blackwood. Had an excellent lunch with him in the very modern Fischer Hotel then went over the Pitlochry Dam. A very pleasing structure. Fish ways look good, rise about 70' I would say. About 6000 fish a year come up. About 10% kelts return. Later JA Stuart of the Brown trout research lab told me this was an exaggeration. Returning kelts in their second run number 2-5% in the catch. This is the first cycle year so it will be watched carefully for indications of the influence of the dam. Big problem is getting the smolts down. Apparently about 25% are lost in passage. Kelts tend to hang up in the reservoirs + begin feeding while slowly starving to death. No big freshets any more to wash the kelts out to sea, 2nd [second] run fish about 1/2 formerly. Stuart showed me his experimental tanks for studying spawning beds of trout + showed excellent diagrams of the perpendicular flow of current into the egg beds + through them thus keeping them silt-clean. His papers on egg beds + siltation should be good.
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