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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 868
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Filename: pp_045.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T01:10:50.209Z
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Creator Transcript
  • June 28 [1953] Visited Farne Islands. Kittiwakes, shags, cormorants, murres, Razorbills, Puffins, Arctic, Roseate + sandwich terns. Dull day but I took a lot of photographs. Had tea at Monkshouse observatory run by Dr. [Eric Arnold Robers] Ennion. July. 5. Visited Bass Rock along with the Perth group of the S.O.C. [Scottish Ornithologists' Club] about 5000 prs [pairs] of breeding gannets, Latest breeders have territory at the top of the cliff. Young all the way from eggs to fledged. July 11 Visited Mr + Mrs G. [William George] Knox Jones [name crossed out] Finlay at Keillour Castle, Methven, Perthshire. A fascinating garden full of the output of the most recent Nepal expeditions as well as many others. He planted 1600 packets of seed from the last trip. Saw many interesting techniques in action Air Layering - cut stem, wrap in sphagnum with sprinkling of charcoal + encase in plastic Peat wall construction, fill behind with peat-leaf mould + loam.
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