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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 868
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Filename: pp_043.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T01:10:46.309Z
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  • Other management measures a) Euston system of partridge management with egg substitution from the bantams b) denting shelters - facing away from prevailing wind c) feeding shelters - with grain rakings piled on top. These are pulled down little by little during the winter. At the same time a little grit + grain is thrown under the shelter each day during hard weather. d) small fenced areas where nesting cover is needed. e) Galvanized iron dew collectors f) flushing bar experiments Re [Regarding] costs of this type of management to the hunter Rent per acre 2/6 to 3/6. Keepers salary. L [pounds] 6 a week + house, fuel + a suit of clothes per year. Most properties are now syndicated. June 18-19 In London with Peter Ford. At London zoo noted a small parotlet [parrotlet] from Guiana - Forpus passerina [underlined] [passerinus] Animals like marmosets etc [etcetera] are given
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