pp_041 Public

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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 868
Width: 648
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File Size: 1044018
Filename: pp_041.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T01:10:38.738Z
Original Checksum: 003b186ef3e495afdbcc6cc656a1168d
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Creator Transcript
  • Moveable filled pens with small coops inside - Open bottoms. With incubators they have poor hatch - just about 60-65% unless eggs are carefully graded for size. Are experimenting (crudely) with the influence of storage conditions, shipping etc [etcetera], on hatchability. Old Birds are brailed in August + turned out into 3 acre pens for the winter. Egg prices per 100 - early eggs L [pounds] 12/10. late " L [pounds] 8/10. About 70% turn out from hatch Turned out at 8 weeks. feather picking most troublesome, starts almost as soon as feathers appear. Basic mash has 23-24% protein + is supplemented with h.h. egg for two weeks, then with grain Experimental plot where mixed food + cover plants are grown for trial. Estate management:- 4 keepers each looks after 1000 acres. His main job is keeping down all predators, chiefly crows, rooks, magpies, jays, stoat, weasel, fox, cat, tawny owl, + sparrow hawk, hedgehog. It is their opinion that there is very little demonstrable effect until a reduction of over 50%
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