97-051_LTRS 222

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 2126_97-051_222.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T17:48:26.328Z
Original Checksum: 7ff2b3127c36fa563b4e34fa6fc1928f
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Creator Transcript
  • when he gets back? Seems so, doesn’t it? About time I got busy cutting up the breed for supper. Thirty two pound loaves, that’s all. The other two fellows on the job with me are showing signs of life, so I’ll have to fbllowsuit. Rather a cool breeze blowing today, but yesterday was as hot as midsummer. I’m the one that knows it. Sweat enough anyway. As ever, Yours lovingly, ERED - 219 - Prance, April 19th 1918. Tear Mother and Tad, - She's a peach of a day today, I don't think. It was very cold all night, hailing when I crawled out of the blankets at 6.20 A.M., and up until now, 2 P.M., we have had everything in the weather line from brilliant sunshine to a heavy snow storm. And just when we were congratulating ourselves thatwinter was past. Oh, this is a grand country all right. Am still O.C. hospital mess, but come off the job to­morrow. Haven’t been on parade here yet except pay, but suppose I’ll have to be on hand at 8 A.M. tomorrow, whichmeans shining shoes and buttons, also wearing puttees. Compulsory, of course, or I wouldn't be doing it. Hope the weather clears up a little before £ o’clock for our soccer team is taking on a labor battalion then. Even at the best the pitch will be very greasy, but guess I'll survive the ordeal. The powers that be have decreed that I hold down light back this evening instead of soy customary position in goal. Mere­ly an experiment on their part for I can assure you the position is somewhat unfamil i&rto me, though I did hold it down fairly well in a regular vs scrub- game a couple of afternoons ago. Of course I'm taking chances playing that position with glasses, but as I’ve been taking chances for nearly two years now, why I'm not worrying very much. I can pi airily see that our new uniforms are going to be rather dirty before the evening is over. At a mustep parade of the unit two days ago the various , committees for basketball, football etc. were appointed for the coming year. Apparently my v/ork on the ball team last year wss satisfactory for I was re-elected. With me, on the job, are our
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