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Karen Dykes
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Filename: 1948_97-051_044.tif
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  • the morning. At 10.30 last Sunday morning a oannon "ball oould have been fired, up the street and the odds are that it would not have hit anybody. At 6.30 p.M. you could hardly move along the streets. If you want to see anybody in London just wait on the Strand and he will come along. As for instance I sa.w Stan Okell, Ben McDiarmid, Bay MoCallum, and Norman Spencer. Doubt­less if I had waited any longer I’d. have bumped into a few more. Piute leaves the story at this stage, as he had to catch the 9.15 back to Shorncliffe. As you may surmise he was over­joyed at the prospect. He couldn’t kick chough as he and the kid had three girls down at the train to bid him good-bye. With him gone, it was up to H, to see the girls home whioh feat he accomplished to a nicety. What about you, did I hear you say? Well I had a bird of my own, Nuf sed. Bed at 1 A.l . tired out but happy. Gee,, if it takes as long and. as much paper to record Tues­day’s doings as it has the other two days, the postage will bankrupt me, However.it has been an eventful trip, and I'M going to try and finish it up in good style. At dinner on Monday, Mr, Brayne had informed us that .Hampton Court Palace was worth visiting so we took his tip and also the 9«3° train from Waterl00 Stn. which landed us at Hampton Court in about forty minutes. It is a very picturesque little town lying on the banks of the Thames, its principal source of income apparently being derived from tea shops erected to do the tourist. Some swell house boats on the river too, the largest one flying the Stars and Stripes, We walked along the banks of the river for a while until we reached the main gate of the castle. It is a beautiful building erected by piece work between the l6th and 17th centuries. Pur­chased a guide book from one of the attendants,, and. then proceeded to give the place the once over. Practically every room has mar­velous painted ceilings, after, the style of our dining room. Am sending along the guide book we used, so am not going into detail as it will tell you better than I can just what we saw in the Palace. But it does not tell you about thd beautiful gardens surround­ing the Palace, Huge beds of flowers all in bloom, and every variety imaginable. Dad would have gone intooractures if he had been there. Beautifully laid out walks, from 10 to 20 ft* wide ran all through the grounds. Saw a grace vine growing in a hot house, which was planted over 200 years ago. Walsed through another gate,, crossed the road and entered Busley Park, the chief attraction there being Chestnut Drive. The Drive is over a mile long, and is bordered, on both sides by huge ohestnut trees,, which have been there for hundreds of years. Deer are running around loose in the park,, so tame that they would eat
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