97-051_LTRS 160
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2064_97-051_160.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:57:22.391ZOriginal Checksum: 453eddac9bb06c6a5334b441f554bf44Mime Type: image/tiff
- pyramids did their best to grab a slipper. Funny, gee, I split my sides laughing at them. The too fellow would make a grab at the girl’s foot, lose hie balance, and the whole gang be precipitated into theaisle. The French are far from being demonstrative in a theatre- Ade says they sit on their hands- but they sure warmed to the occasion that night. AnEnglieh To my and an American Sammy were the lucky ones to get the slippers. After theehow, we strolled slowly back to the Marquise, having nothing in particular to talk about, but all kinds of time to do it in. Talked some more in front of the hotel, the girls showing us a few steps they were rehearsing for the new show. They certainly knew how to trip the light fantastic. Left around midnight, this time making sure of our route home. Found in the morning that five more fellows from our unit had blown in the night before, on their way to Marseilles. Being in no hurry to reach there, they decided to stay the day in Paris, and proceed onward the evening of the next day, V/e took a couple of them in tow for the day, the others prefering to wander off on their own. After breakfast we taxied out to the Champs Elysses,around the lake in the Bois de Boulogue, stopping on the way back at the Place de la Concorde. Entered the. Tuleries Gardens here, and wandered through them to the Louvre. Charlie not having been through the gallery as yet, he and the two we were piloting around "did" it, while Eddie and I wandered around for a while. Met an American Ambulance man, new at the game, and filled him to the brim with hot air. Really enjoyed those little encounters with the Sammies. At being pretty warm we walked across the street to a cafe and had an iced citronade. Sat there till we saw the other boys emerge from the Louvre, then rejoined them. Walked back to our ice cream parlor and downed a couple of ices then being tired of walking, we hopped into © taxi and drove out to the lake in the Bois. Hired two boats, and spent the afternoon on the water. In the evening we dined at the Maxevilles end took in the Follies Berghe after. Arrived back at the St. George around midnight end before very long was in the land of nod. Breakfasted at Maxevilles, then for want of something better to do, we taxied out to the Cimiteire Pere La chaise, where the aristocracy of France are buried. It is not a pretty cemetery- as cernetar ies go- for thevaults are all crowded together, but there are quite a few really magnificent tombs, A double decked street car coming ©3.ong as we left the cemetery we climbed on it, and stuck there on the upper deck till we came to
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