97-051_LTRS 208
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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2112_97-051_208.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:47:37.871ZOriginal Checksum: 1827f55f0713491e742731ad839e9fe7Mime Type: image/tiff
- 205 alias "Book"- is in charge of the dynamo and so far hasn’t succeeded in wrecking it, though coming close to doing so several times. Am on a dandy squad now, R Jim Park, Finn Reid, G.Buck Tweed, and yours truly. Jack Keech is a dresser now- and a good one- while Watson never came hack from Blighty leave, so Finn and G.Buck took their places. We are all pretty much the seme size and ought to work well together on a stretcher. Jim is in charge, being the oldest soldier in point of service- two years over here, six months of it in the infantry before joining this unit. Here's something I’ve been intending to tell you for quite a while but seemingly never managed to think of it when writing. One of the boys from our unit is back in Victoria now. Frank Morris by name. He came over to England with us, to France five days after us, and to this unit a couple of weeks after we did. He left us shortly after the Vimy scrap and was returned to Canada a. couple of months ago. He lives on Bethune St,) don't know the number. So why not look him up? Am sure that he'd be glad to see you, end could tell you more about our work over here than I can, I believe he is still undergoing medical treatment, so you very probably can get his correct address froi the Military Hospital. Ought to be a Canadian mail in very shortly, as it is ten days since the last one. Have caught up with my correspondence at last, writing no less than twelve letters last week. Have all kinds of spare time on my hands now, so wouldn't have any trouble in answering a batch of letters. Your next letter should acknowledge receipt of my Xmas letter, which was written, by the way, in the village of . A few days later oursquad moved up into an R.A.P, of which from the , I don't believe I told you about going to a show in the theatre of the Monte Carlo Casino, though I believe I sent you the programme. The theatre is a small one, seating less thatn but makes up in beauty what it lacks in size. It is constructed with the same lavish disregard of expenditure as the Casino, the private box of the Prince of Monaco being a marvelous affair. .As in the Casino the lighting system is very elaborate, and the effect is greatly enhanced by the fact that nearly the whole of one side of the theatre is taken up by a huge mirror. A pantomine was presented the afternoon we were there, and we certainly enjoyed it, for the costumes were magnificent, and the dancing superb. Then too, an orchestra of 120 musicians added greatly to our enj oyment. Here are a few little faots about the Casino that I don't believe I mentioned inmy previous letters. The prince derives an income of 6 , 000,000 francs a year from the Casino, it employs 3,000 persons and incidently pays all the taxes in the principality, - on the roulette tables one is allowed to place a single bet ranging from 5 francs to 12,000,- while at baccarat it runs from 20 to 20,000 francs, if betting on just one number and should it turn up, you ere paid at
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