97-051_LTRS 95

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 1999_97-051_095.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:53:47.982Z
Original Checksum: 3852c81d28b132db2b9be8cc78287eb4
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Creator Transcript
  • I don’t think I've anything more to say, so suppose the natural thing to do is to shut up, which I hereby do. # Here's hoping that this time next year will find both of us back home with you. I honestly believe this summer will see the finish of this little affair. Recent events seem to point that way, and its a certainty that Pritz can see the handwriting on the wall as well as the next fellow. It can't end any too soon to suit me. Best love to all, Pred R.A.p. in Prance, Jan. 6th, 1917. My dear Sis,- Have been debating in my mind for the pest hour whether to write or not. Have finally summoned up enough "smbish" to do so, but whether it is sufficent to carry me through remains to be seen. However I've started and that's half the battle in this letter writing game. I just forget now whether I've heard from you since I last wrote. Oh yes, come to think of it, the kid had a letter from you, which I read the last time I saw him, over two weeks ago. It is the longest time we have been an art since we enlisted, and it seems too bad that it should come at Xmas, when so many par­cels were coming along intended for both of us. Hot having seen the kid to. compare notes cannot say who fared the better, but personally I have no kick coming, as my friends have been extreme­ly good to me. The kid is back at headquarters at present, but guess he will be up the line in a couple of days now. As you very well know, I'm not of a demonstrative nature, but I'll be glad to see him again. Am writing this in one of the regimental aid posts(R.A.P.) from which same place I think I gave you the details of my exper­ience, The weather has been mild lately, last night being a beautiful moonlight one. Was down for our rations to one of our stations on the main road, a walk of over l£ miles each way through the trenches, which are in good shape again. A few days ago,, owing to cave ins caused by heavy rain, the mud in places was over three feet deep, it being necessary to wear hip gum boots. Am glad to say we have been fortunate this trip in not
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