97-051_LTRS 133
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2037_97-051_133.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:24:31.224ZOriginal Checksum: 7dc8cc1707baa373bd59a93ffab68cfeMime Type: image/tiff
- that I'm feeling about like a kid does when he is making a trip away from home. Who wouldn't aftwr 14 months away from civilization. Love to all, Fred In the Wilderneas, Aug. 3rd, 1917. Fear Mother and Ead,- The big job has started. When it will be finished is more than I can say, but it will probably be sent along in installments. To tell the truth, I've so much to write about that I really don't know where to begin. Still I suppose I had better narrate my experiences from, the time we left camp. Here goes then for the herrowingddetails. V/e were in the dinner line on the 17th when we were notified that our passes had come in, and that we were to leave in the morning. Maybe we weren't tickled to death. By we I mean Charlie Lundy, the Salmon Arm boy who wee with me when I was gassed - and myself.* The kid of course, was with the divisional ball team. One of the boys in our tent had promised methe loan of a pair of riding breeches and a leather belt, soright after dinner I hied me to the tailor with the breeks - they had never been worn - and had them pressed. Then I borrowed a pair of light tan shoes from Joe Watson of the M.T.'s who was going with ue. This was followed by a visit to the Q.M. stores, where I managed to get a new hat, clean shirt end sox, and a pair of braces. Also had a session with the regimental barber, figuring that I couldiill afford to lose the time for such frivolities down in Paris. All this passed a^ay the afternoon, and in the evening I found otfc from some of the boys who had made the trip* just what was really necessary to take along with you. These details settled, I settled I set to and polished my brass, including my cap and collar badges, the latter for the first time since coming to France. Then I bummed a tin of tan polish and put a peach of a polish onmy shoesrsnd belt. Finished up the evening by packing my kit, and dropping you that long letter. Was it one or two sheets? i/iust confess that I didn't sleep a g-reot deal that night, and was up sharp at reveille next morning. Washed, shaved, had breakfast, then packed my blankets and turned them end my kit into the pack store, A trip to the orderly room to sign various papers and to draw our leave money was next in order. By 9.30 A.M. everything that had to be done had been done, so
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