97-051_LTRS 17
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-08
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-08
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 1921_97-051_017.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T15:54:56.018ZOriginal Checksum: 5d35afc41f6347e7b0b26af475debb89Mime Type: image/tiff
- tired of reading, not tired enough to lay down, so here I am. Don’t know just how to begin either, for when you come right down to facts, very little has happened outside of the (to me) usual routine since I wrote last, I have my diary by me though and will refresh my memory from that. At any rate it will he news to you, even if it does seem commonplace to me. If I recollect rightly my last letter was mailed from somewhere around Fort Y/illiam, But if my memory is at fault and I overlap somewhat in my news, you’ll have to excuse me. We didn’t hit Ottawa after all, hut passed to the south of it. At Smith Falls, Ontario we were stalled for over six hours, had to have three engines and a snow plough to clear the track. Bill and John Greig took some pictures here, and will send you some prints if they turn out all right. We landed in the outskirts of Montreal on the afternoon of the 9th and had a route march there. Unfortunately we were in the old French quarter, so didn’t get a view of the city proper. One of our Captain*’e who had preceded us, joined, the "bunch here. He has a very poor opinion of the French-Canadians as a whole. He says they are to the East what the Chinamen are to the West. They are certainly ' a dull, stupid looking race, judging from the specimens we saw, and such a thing as patriotism they never think of. Shortly after leaving Montreal we crossed a fine bridge over the St, Lawrence, if miles long. Must have cost a small fortune to build it. Just after this we changed from the C.P.R, to the Intercolonial Ry. It is run by the Government and all the railroads use it. Travelling along the St. Lawrence when we rose in the morning. On picket duty for the day. Had to get off at every station to see that none of the bunch strayed from the train. One of the fellows did though, and as a result the \diole corps were C.B.’d till 7 P.M., only the H.C.O.’s and pickets being allowed off the train. As a result I had a fine time talking to girls at every station, and there are lots of them in Hew Brunswick, while the rest of the bunch could only stick their heads out of the windows and talk at a distance. At Newcastle, N.B. we saw the largest wireless station in Canada, built by Germans, and taken over by the Canadian Government when war was declared. We got a fine reception at Moncton, and I had a fine time talking to the girls while the rest of the oorps were having a route march. Between Moncton and St. John we hit rain for the first time. Arrived in St. John about 9 P.M. and slept on the train. Transferred from the train to S.S.Metagama on Saturday the 11th at 9 A.M., and am still there, and likely to be there for another four or five days.
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