97-051_LTRS 256

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2160_97-051_256.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:30:24.645Z
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  • 252 •weren't afraid of contracting rheumatism* Whenever C-.Buok Tweed is in a tent, the problem arises as to where he can the most advantageously drape his huge carcass, it being usually solved by sticking him at the door, where if necessary he can— in fine weather-- repose half in end hal’f out of the tent. Might say that the problem wee solved in the usual manner on this occasion.* As a marked contrast "Teddy" Bear slept oppr-osite him-- in the tent bag. Lace-jack Bill Maguire was presumably in charge of the tent,having' as a sleeping peifcner McKenzie, late of Spirit River, Freddie Lear/ and Geo. Ellmen quarreled over their share of the blankets also while Wright and I were on our own. Any information you may desire as to the standing in the community of the afore mentioned "bucks" oan doubtless by supplied by "Kid" Came. Managed to get in one good night's sleep, then Preddie Lean and I were put on guard, the hours being 7 p.M, to 7 A.M.. W© tossed Y/e tossed the first day and I won, electing to take the first shift, which as you may surmise, was the easier one. The cooks were slightly under the weather that evening, so when it came time for me to put up a supper for the two night hospital orderlies and myself, a little foraging brought to light one of the finest chunks of boiled him I’d ever seen, intended as I afterward found out, for the cook’s private consumption. Believe me, what we did to that ham was a shame, That with strawberry jam and toast, made a dandy supper. Shortly after it came time for me to call Preddie, and then I flopped. Stayed in bed- till 10 o'dock, but didn’t sleep any to speak of after reveille--^.? much noise. Next night I was on second shift, which meant only about two hours sleep before being called at 1 o'clock. Wot being very hungry, a cup <af G.W, coffee and seme toast satisfied me, after which, having seen to the boiler fire, I settled downsnd tore off a couple of letter?. At 4.30 I started in to light mysix fires. Got them, going nicely, then had to wake the cooks, Macouochie, kitchen fatigues end several other lessef lights. With the anu ear an ce of the cooks on the job, my night's labor came to an end. Pelt very much like hitting the hay, but I had made arrange­ments with Let the previous evening to go down on the canteen wagon with him in place of Pinn, thus allowing that hard worked worthy the luxury of a "sleep in". The nearest E.P.G. being ten kilometers dis­tant, we had our breakfast early, and were on the road behind "Shorty" White* s team by 7 o'clock. Though somewhat drowsy I enjoyed the early morning ride very much, it being quite warm. Arrived at the canteen to find that they had received no goods that day, hence we were out of luck. Nothing daunted, Let suggested that we send Shorty by road to another town about ten kilos away, we to follow shortly after by train. All hands being agreeable,, the plan was carried out. Shorty left immediately, but the train not being due for an hour, Let and I wanfierd around the town, satisfying our craving for luxuries by investing in half a dozen dimunitive babanas at - half a franc (lG/d) perl Y/e surely aren't in the banana helt over here. Our train whistling for the station brought us there in a hurry. Through previous experience with the dilatory tactics of French trains,. I sh ould have known better, for it was over 20 minutes after we boarded it that we pulled out. The kid knows the line we
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