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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 2760
Width: 1925
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15964440
Filename: 5653_pp_008.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T22:59:25.439Z
Original Checksum: 8cf22e78057865e10075a1df04de659f
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Creator Transcript
  • burrow contained an adult male but I did not find a chick with it. This burrow was 12 ft [feet] deep + complicated + I might have missed the chick. Two burrows excavated at midnight each contained a chick + 2 adults [male symbol] + [female symbol] A characteristic burrow was about 6 ft [feet] deep, none less than 4 ft [feet], about 6" [inches] in diameter + somewhere along its length all burrows had a chamber 12 inches or more long + broad. This was large enough to permit the adults to flap their wings + such [word crossed out] the sounds of this flapping, such as frequently accompanies preening was freq [word crossed out] heard on 3 occassions [occasions] From the chamber usually several burrows run in different directions but only one or perhaps two are more than 10" [inches] to a foot deep. The long one contains a terminal nest chamber, now plastered with dung. Nest material consisted of a handful of dry or green salal leaves. In several burrows marked by me birds entered before 10 o'clock + did not leave till 3. It seems to me then that most of the birds brought in just one lot of feed a night. Loads of food consisted of up to 6 small herring 2 1/2 " [inches] long - carried in the beak, or one or up to 4 needle fish 3" [inches] - 5" [inches] long.
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