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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 2760
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Filename: 5880_pp_236.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T18:11:47.018Z
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Creator Transcript
  • [Typewritten copy of journal of Allan C. Brooks] August 1936. 6. Fine weather up to today, sandpipers in greatly decreased numbers and nearly all are juveniles (Baird's) (Western and Least) 1st [first] Baird's juveniles seen July 31. Sanderlings and black-bellied plover still only have adults Cassin's auklet feeding close inshore Pileated warblers in some numbers. Last tree swallows? Solitary and spotted sandpipers still here. 7. Raining, a few more sandpipers than for last week. Baird's, Least, Western sandpipers, Semipalmated Plover and Sanderlings (25 all adults still) 8. To Yakoun Pt. [Point], a good many shore birds mov- ing only new ones, a small flock of Dowitchers. N. [Northern] Phalaropes in large numbers taking shelter from the high S.E. [southeast] wind. All of the sandpipers are young except black-bellied plover and sanderlings all adults. Semipalmated plovers about 1/3 adults. Old squaws [Long-tailed ducks] and American scoters in all sorts of plumage. Harlequins all adult males in eclipse? Three flocks of gray-wing teal migrating, shot one a young male of the year. Pintails also migrating throughout. All 3 loons in large numbers taking shelter on the windward shore, 15 of the large loon in one bunch all adults in full plumage. 9. To Chown Point, saw black-bellied (15) and semipalmated plovers, red and black turnstones, both adults and young of each; Sanderling all
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