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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 2760
Width: 1925
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15964440
Filename: 5652_pp_007.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T22:59:17.858Z
Original Checksum: 4a2782f55d73de53873f7a031bd7cf17
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • when coming in the birds often land very hard + it appears to me that they do not see very well. Several ran along side my legs or pushed under the edge of my jacket to get from the landing place to the burrows. There was not very much noise, almost none outside the burrows but the adult birds greeted each other with a peculiar low pitched grunting moo. Something like a cow [word crossed out] bull calling in the distance. This noise + the mewing squeak of the young were heard frequently all through the night. The colony occupies the immediate shore + back from it some 50 feet where the rocks rise some 4 to 8 ft [feet] sharply above tide line. Here salal + alders form a dense ground cover + around + under there the auklets have dug their burrows - Tree roots + stumps provide favored sites. + all such are honeycombed. Landing sites are plastered with dung + there is frequently dung at the burrow entrances. There are no egg shells either in the burrows or around the colony. We dug out 5 burrows during daylight + took downy young + fledglings from 4, a single chick to each nest. The other
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