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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-09
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-09
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- passed on August 09, 2024 at 03:52
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Height: 2760
Width: 1925
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Filename: 5751_pp_106.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T12:54:12.150Z
Original Checksum: b2b2413eb9eec19cb7ec251880e57192
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Creator |
Transcript |
- Saw Whet Owl.
Sandspit. Aug. [August] 26/46 [1946].
So far we have encountered this owl
at Queen Charlotte City + at [illegible word crossed out] Copper Bay.
The first seen was taken by Charlie [Guiguet]
at Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] city when it flew across
the road + landed in an alder while
we were shooting bats. It was
at a point where heavy forest gave
way to deciduous growth bordering
a clearing.
At Copper Bay on Aug. [August] 23 one bird
came to us as we were shooting bats
in a marshy meadow tight against
the climax forest. The bird made
a screeching noise. Yesterday
we heard 3 owls in the same
area after dark. They were along
the forest edge where deciduous
growth bordered an open meadow
I picked up a freshly dead individual,
very thin + with 3 holes, apparently
claw holes in its right side.
Sandspit Aug [word crossed out] Sept [September] 1/46 [1946]
We yesterday set out 23 pole
traps along the edge of the marsh
4 miles S [south] of here + this morning
took a beautiful adult [female symbol] owl.
Stomach contents 1 spider + some
feathers - apparently owl feathers.
" [Sandspit] Sept [September] 2/46 [1946]
Another ad [adult] [female symbol] in the traps - contents a few feathers.