Modernism and Post-War Literature Collection
User Collection Public![](/uploads/uploaded_collection_thumbnails/2178ce66-c825-490f-8b8f-0c4d634c0538/2178ce66-c825-490f-8b8f-0c4d634c0538_card.jpg)
The Modernism and Post-War Literature Collection is comprised of works created by authors associated with modernism, a literary movement with contested dates, but largely regarded as taking place between 1910 and 1940. Authors featured here include Mary Butts (1890-1937), Robert Graves (1895-1985), James Joyce (1882-1941), Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957), and Ezra Pound (1885-1972), as well as writers who produced work following WWII, such as Aidan Higgins (1927-2015), identified as late modernists or influenced by modernism.
Intellectuals and artists affiliated with parallel movements in other disciplines during the same period, such as modern art, are also found in this collection, as seen in the correspondence of Herbert Read (1893-1968) and photography of Gisèle Freund (1908-2000).
Resource type
Collection Details
- Items 3049
- Last Updated 2024-07-31
Subcollections (13)
Works (2530)
2501. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, June 28, [1978]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, June 28, [1978]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter, Raine writes that she wants to accept an offer from Irvine for the purchase of her manuscript material. She also tells Jarrett about a new French translation of her autobiography "Farewell Happy Fields".
- Subject:
- Skelton, Robin, Critics, Poets, English, Authors, English, Periodicals--Publishing, Jarrett, Percy W., English poetry--Manuscripts, Skelton, Sylvia, Periodical editors, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Book industries and trade, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Poets, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Authors, and Scholars
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1978-06-28?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in blue ink on letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- letters (correspondence) and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2502. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, September 04, [1978]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, September 04, [1978]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter Raine requests that Jarrett cable the money from a recent sale directly to her bank account.
- Subject:
- Authors, English, English poetry--Manuscripts, Authors, Periodicals--Publishing, Jarrett, Percy W., Poets, Critics, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Book industries and trade, Skelton, Sylvia, Scholars, Periodical editors, Poets, English, Skelton, Robin, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), and Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1978-09-04?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in blue ink on letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- correspondence and letters (correspondence)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2503. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, September 24, [1978]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, September 24, [1978]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter, Raine writes about her recent trip to New York.
- Subject:
- Scholars, Skelton, Sylvia, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Authors, English, Book industries and trade, Poets, English, Poets, Periodicals--Publishing, Authors, Skelton, Robin, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Jarrett, Percy W., Critics, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, English poetry--Manuscripts, and Periodical editors
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1978-09-24?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 1 page
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in blue ink.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- letters (correspondence) and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2504. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, July 15, [1979]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, July 15, [1979]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter, Raine asks after the health of Jarrett's family and about information regarding her manuscript material sales to Irvine.
- Subject:
- Periodical editors, Authors, English, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Skelton, Robin, Scholars, Book industries and trade, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, English poetry--Manuscripts, Critics, Authors, Poets, English, Skelton, Sylvia, Jarrett, Percy W., Periodicals--Publishing, and Poets
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Jarrett, Percy W. and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1979-07-15?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in black ink on letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- letters (correspondence) and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2505. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, August 22, [1979]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, August 22, [1979]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter, Raine thanks Jarrett for overseeing a sale of her material to Irvine and writes about Robin Skelton.
- Subject:
- Skelton, Sylvia, Periodical editors, Poets, English, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, English poetry--Manuscripts, Poets, Periodicals--Publishing, Critics, Jarrett, Percy W., Authors, Skelton, Robin, Book industries and trade, Scholars, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Authors, English, and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Jarrett, Percy W. and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1979-08-22?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in black ink on letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- letters (correspondence) and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2506. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, September 23, [1979]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, September 23, [1979]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter Raine discusses Robin Skelton's recent illness and the conception of the Temenos publication.
- Subject:
- Skelton, Robin, English poetry--Manuscripts, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Periodicals--Publishing, Book industries and trade, Poets, Poets, English, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Jarrett, Elizabeth, Scholars, Critics, Jarrett, Percy W., Authors, Authors, English, Skelton, Sylvia, and Periodical editors
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1979-09-23?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in black ink on letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- correspondence and letters (correspondence)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2507. Card from Kathleen Raine [to Percy and Elizabeth Jarrett], [1980s?], [01]
- Title:
- Card from Kathleen Raine [to Percy and Elizabeth Jarrett], [1980s?], [01]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. This holiday card features an engraving by Samuel Palmer.
- Subject:
- Critics, Skelton, Sylvia, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Jarrett, Percy W., Skelton, Robin, Periodicals--Publishing, Scholars, Authors, Book industries and trade, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Periodical editors, Poets, English poetry--Manuscripts, Authors, English, Jarrett, Elizabeth, and Poets, English
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 198X
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in black ink.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- correspondence and greeting cards
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.12
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2508. Card from Kathleen Raine [to Percy and Elizabeth Jarrett], [1980s?], [02]
- Title:
- Card from Kathleen Raine [to Percy and Elizabeth Jarrett], [1980s?], [02]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. This holiday card features an image of a wooden bridge and a snow-covered meadow.
- Subject:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Book industries and trade, English poetry--Manuscripts, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Poets, Poets, English, Jarrett, Percy W., Skelton, Robin, Periodicals--Publishing, Critics, Skelton, Sylvia, Scholars, Authors, Authors, English, and Periodical editors
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 198X
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in black ink.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- greeting cards and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.12
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2509. Postcard from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, April 11, [1980?]
- Title:
- Postcard from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, April 11, [1980?]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this postcard Raine writes about her trip to Paris, and complains about having to give interviews while there. She also mentions two upcoming books of poetry.
- Subject:
- Skelton, Sylvia, Periodical editors, Poets, English poetry--Manuscripts, Book industries and trade, Skelton, Robin, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Jarrett, Percy W., Periodicals--Publishing, Critics, Authors, English, Poets, English, Authors, and Scholars
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Jarrett, Percy W. and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1980-04-11?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 2 pages
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Handwritten in blue ink on personal letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- picture postcards and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
2510. Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, June 27, [1980]
- Title:
- Letter from Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, June 27, [1980]
- Description:
- Part of a collection of letters from award-winning British poet and scholar Kathleen Raine to Percy Jarrett, owner of the dealership Philobiblion which specialized in literary books and manuscripts. Most of the letters discuss the negotiation of sales of Raine’s manuscript material (of which Irvine Library at the University of California was the primary buyer), the periodical Temenos, that Raine co-founded; and Jarret’s son-in law Robin Skelton, who was a poet and Professor of English Literature at the University of Victoria. In this letter, Raine lists which books she has completed in the last year and announces the first issue of Temenos should be out in the fall.
- Subject:
- Critics, Periodicals--Publishing, Periodical editors, Book industries and trade, Scholars, Poets, English, Jarrett, Elizabeth, English poetry--Manuscripts, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Authors, English, Skelton, Sylvia, Authors, Poets, Skelton, Robin, and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Creator:
- Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003
- Contributor:
- Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- 1980-06-27?
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- License:
- Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives.
- Resource Type:
- Extent:
- 1 page
- Geographic Coverage:
- Coordinates:
- 51.50853, -0.12574
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Typewritten on letterhead.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Philobiblion Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- correspondence and letters (correspondence)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13
- Fonds Title:
- Philobiblion fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC368
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-10-14
- Technical Note:
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.