From the Print Collection

User Collection Public

This selection of material from the University of Victoria Libraries' collection has been digitized for preservation purposes where the original is too fragile to be repaired or rebound and/or too valuable to discard. In some cases we have additional copies available for viewing or loan; in others, the digital edition is our last remaining copy.

Resource type Subject Genre Location

Works (12)

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List of items in this collection
  Title Date Created Date Added Visibility
  1802 2020-09-02 Public
  1835 2020-09-02 Public
  1860 2021-09-21 Public
  1864 2022-03-10 Public
  1902 2021-08-11 Public
  1930-05 2020-09-02 Public
  1937-07 2020-09-02 Public
  1944-04 2021-09-01 Public
  1950 2020-09-10 Public
  1955-04-26 2020-09-02 Public