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- can assure you that every word is devoured.
I guess "before this reaches you Marjorie will have received the letter I wrote her a few days ago, in which I gave the information that we were on an overseas draft. No further information as to the date of our departure or our destination has "been handed out, so can’t enlighten you on the subject. As a rule drafts have about six or eight hours notice to get ready to leave, and that notice is liable to come any day. Can’t come any too quick to suit us, as we are tired of the “training" here, and are all eager to get at some real work. You may be sure though that I'll drop you a few lines when we leave if I know where we are going, although as a rule such inforrnatibn isn’t given out. Pretty certain that it is to be Prance though, either to hospitals or a field ambulanoe. The main thing though for you folks at home is not to worry. We’re coming thru this all right.
If you hadn't taken Marjorie's advice and made that trip down to Portland, there would have been some kicking at this end, believe me. As if we mind a little thing like a month’s pay, especially when it is used for such a purpose. Very glad to hear that you had seen Gus too, and don't doubt for one minute that he was mighty glad to see you. I'll bet he sure did spout about his kid, and I'll bet you enjoyed it too.
Next time I undertake the darning of underwear I'll hand it on to some one else. Thought a little time spent on one of my suits would prolong its days, so rashly started on the job. Cut most of the sleeve off for patching material and then set to.
I'm expert at sewing buttons on but confess that I have limitations as an underwear repairer. If the darned stuff wouldn't stretch so, I might have made a fairly good job of it, but alas and alack, gutta peroha is a back number in the respect of resilient qualities, 7/hen I got through, the effect would have put a wash board or concertina speeohless. To make matters worse I succeeded in sewing the back door of my union suit onto the patch, or rather patches. Just about then I got sore, and in almost ten seconds, two hours hard labor was relegated to the scrap heap. As far as underwear repairing goes, in future count me out.
Just as I anticipated, was unable to finish and am now resuming it two days iater. Pour drafts arrived in camp from Canada, which was the reason I broke off above. What with the row they caused, and the shifting of men around, it was after eleven when we turned in. Sure felt tired the next day too,but managed to survive it.
Went on another route march this afternoon, and were inspected by General Jones, head of the Canadian Medical Service, on our return.
As a consequence of his visit, we are leaving in the-morning