97-051_LTRS 106
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2010_97-051_106.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:54:19.668ZOriginal Checksum: 122ca76724553eea74ecb04d687f9461Mime Type: image/tiff
- 106 very much to he desired, both as regards quality and quantity. The maple fudge and the "pink end white ’uns" were Jake too. The chutney was consumed by the kitchen gang today, all agreeing that it couldn’t be beat. Haven’t disposed of the extra sweeter yet, as the kid finds it useful as a pillow. The pastries and ' cookies csme in fine shape, and you can repeat the dose any time you care to, "What is bully beef"? is one of the queries in your latest letter. Well, it is nothing more or less then good old fashioned corn beef, a. pound tin of which would cost you about 25 $/ I guess. We see see so much of it over here though, th8t I don’t care if I never see another tin. So Dad has grabbed my soft collars now eh? Hop to it, old sport, I guess I’ll be able to get a few more if I need them when I get back. They ere pretty comfortable to wear, aren't they? I had. a few lines from Mr. Holland, about ten days ago, followed the next day by"some cake end cigarettes. In his letter he mentioned that he would be only too pleased to send us anything we required in the line of wearing apparel eto. I wrote that same night to thank him for his kind offer, which, of course, I didn’t'- take advantage of, I haven’t seen Lance since we left the Somme, * You say he wrote that he had seen me and I was looking well. Maybe yes,maybe no. I saw him in Warley the morning after I was hit. I was minus a hat, had a bandage around my head, and was plentifully spattered with gore, so am afraid I hardly looked "well". Still be did the right thing by writing in that strain. Did the kid tell you that we ran into Jim Stewart in a village we stopped overnight on our move? He was looking fine, and was just as cheerful as ever. Expected to get away on leave in a week or so. The cold weather still hangs around these parts, in feet it seems to be general over Europe. The nations say that it is the worst winter (as far as cold weather is concerned) for 5° years. Have heard that line of bull before though. I’ll bet there is some great old exciting times going on in the U,S. these days. No paper here today, so don’t know yet whether the U.S. is in it or not. If not, it can only be a matter of a. few days before they are, I certainly hope they do come in, as it will mean the war will be over sooner, I am more convinced than ever that this summer will see hostilities cease. This submarine menace is Germany's last dying gasp. If it fails, as it undoubtedly will, then good night Kaiser, I wonder what Gus thinks of it now. Guess he will have altered his opinion of us by now. Well, "folkses", I have to tear off a few more effusions to-
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