97-051_LTRS 36

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Karen Dykes
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Filename: 1940_97-051_036.tif
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  • end for the rest of the day washed greasy pots end pans. An of which ie pert of fighting for "your King and Country", A fellow sure does have some rotten jobs handed him in this life, end even if he never sees the front, can honestly say he has done his hit. To cap it all,, after working hard all day, Piute and I were shoved on picket duty, which meant no sleep that night, We walked our heats from 9 to 11, and played cards or read from then until 3 A.M., when we had another two hours of it. The hed sure felt good to us next day. Just stopped writing for a minute to listen to the birds in the woods alongside our tent. It must he alive with them judg­ing from the noise they make, the cockoo’s call above them all. Every morning at 6 A.M. when we go up the hill for jerks the sky ler-ks are just starting on their upward climb. They fly around in small sircles, ever getting higher and. higher, singing all the while, until they are out of sight* their beautiful song being the only indication that it wasn’t an illusion. We haven’t been so much out of luck on home cooked boxes as I anticipated, not that we ere getting any ourselves of course. One of our tent mates, (a Vernon veteran) whom we affectionately call by the name of "Muckoogany" (that is the way it is pronounced) hails from Sootlend where all his folks are. So every few days something for him comes along, and as he has told them that all the fellows in his tent are old pals, the boxes are very generous, Tom Pascoe received some cake from his Cornish relatives the other ddy too, so taking it all around, we have no kick coming at all. Juet the same it falls (in quality) a little short of what we used to receive in Vernon, Say, maybe I wouldn’t like to sit down to a meal again where I could pass my plate for'a second or third helping. Have heard of a fine little inn just out of Hythe, and we may go down there for our Sunday dinner. Pour of the draft we came with are in hospital with the measles, John Greig is one of them, and young Forrester another, John Mclwen, a Y. boy is due for there also, judging from his looks tonight. So far we have received no indications as to what our future work is to be, and will just have to sit tight and await events. We have been having quite a deal of practical work in our training the past few days. Quite a few of the officers here have been to the front and have had some very interesting talks from them. It sure is a welcome change from what we had previously. Apparently over here they do not regard the training received in Canada with any consideration whatsoever. So you can judge with what disgust we received such drill as turning by numbers etc,, all of which we knew a week after enlisting. Our draft is all broken up, too bad too, as we undoubtedly were the best drilled section in the camp.
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