97-051_LTRS 86

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 1990_97-051_086.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:53:14.700Z
Original Checksum: 9bc9e6e0e1bc367786aba6232d448a8a
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Creator Transcript
  • 86 - Sure, I know I’m a piker for not having adhered to my promise contained in Marjorie*s letter re writing the next night. Will have to plead extenuating circumstances (whatever they are), this time my explanation being as follows. A few days previous to writ­ing to Marjorie,, I discovered an ideal spot to write in, a mighty rare thing around these diggins. It was a little curtained off corner of our mess room used in the day by the dispensers. Being in arrears to the extent of about a dozen letters I rejoiced ex­ceedingly at my discovery* for while'it wasn’t exactly soundproof, it had a. dandy table to write on and a real chair to sit on. Pop* three nights I hied my way into my "sanctum Sanatorium" immediately after disposing of my cheese,, jam and bread supper, and succeeded in teaing off no less than ten letters. »Twas on that third night that I made that rash promise referred to, fully intending to carry it out. But alas for my good intentions, Hext morning half of our meesroom was converted into a hospital, and I was one of the squad who demolished my haven of refuge, it unfortunately being in the half required. Since then I have almost started this letter twice in the bunk house,, but couldn’t summon up the "ernbieh". Tonight though I.i made Up my mind to get it off my chest, so in spite of such minor interruptions as two separate arguments going around the nearby stove, or the inconvenience caused by a Vancouverite sawing away at a Pritzie shell case, the resultant noise being most damnable, I * have a hunoh that I’ll finish the job, Dec. l^th Am afraid my hunch was a bad one, as I was compelled to quit my writing to do some fatigue-work. The next day we moved up the line, and am now sitting writing this in a dugout, the worst one I might mention, we have had to live in up here. Owing to recent heavy rains the roof, while at least 10 feet below ground, leaks like a sieve, and it is quite a job to dodge the drops. I can as*- sure you that it is very annoying to have a large gob of water hit you in the eye just as you are dropping off to sleep. And the ratsj Ye godsj They’re fierce. Two were scrapping on a beam abov6 my stretcher last night, and apparently lost their footing, for they dropped square onto my head, but Sirtunately I had my bean under the blankets, so didn’t mind it so much. It is really wonder- ful what a fellow over here can get used to. —Por instance, my feet are soaking wet right now, and will be in the same condition for the next ten d8ys, as the boots we are issued more closely resemble a sponge than anything else. But then on the other hand I’ve just got around some steak end onions with canned peaches as dessert, so my outlook on life is pretty rosy. Am glad in a way to report that* the kid isn’t up the line this » but is still on his "cushy" job about four miles from here. The only trouble is that the parcels, of vhich more anon, are begin- Prano e, Deo. 1 2 th , 1 9 1 6 . Dear Mother and D a d ,-
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