97-051_LTRS 144
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2048_97-051_144.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:25:14.375ZOriginal Checksum: 389332fc9b89f52b443d72dc4e8ebdd9Mime Type: image/tiff
- 141 flower 'beds as are there. The color scheme of the flower's was superb. Girls are busy there all day picking off dead, leaves and withered flowers. The gardens are about five hundred yards in width and possibly three quarters of e mile in length, being located right in the heart of the city. There are plenty of seats and benches 0 scattered around, the benches being free, but a seat costing you a penny, that is provided you didn’t depart before the old girl could get around to you. There are two large fountains in the gardens, besides numerous smaller ones, and the kids have a great lime sailing their yachts in the ponds of the large ones. Leaving the gardens we emerged into the Place de la Concord,the largest and most beautiful Place in the city. It is also one of the busiest spots as far as traffic is. concerned, for the Champs Elysses runs off it on one side, with streets on the other leading to the exclusive shopping district. In the center of the Place is an Egyptian obelisk, hardly a square foot of which doesn’t bear some sort of an inscription. Then surrounding it at intervals of thirty yds. or so are granite pedestals with gilt figures mounted on them,each one representing a principal city in Prance. It is quite a feat t> cross the Place diagonally without being bumped by a taxi. I know for I tried it. if' ? Consulted my map here, and spotting the Place Vendome nearly, we decided to geve "a corner of Blighty in Paris'1 a visit. We discovered theplace all right and had afternoon tea there. The rooms they occupy, were formerly used by a German modiste, and are very elaborately furnished. Y/e were informed that the rooms had been given to the English ladies who run it',, free of rent for the duration of the war. Quite a few soldiers were in there, singing their heads off with a young lady tickling the ivories. They make no charge fir their tea, but one is invited to drop in a box any amount he may see - fit to help defray expenses. Having polished off some fine tea end real home made white bread, we wandered out again, this time up Rue Vendome. I guess you have heard of Y/aeth and. Paquin, Tecla, Roger & Gallet, Ed Pinaud 0 end possible Mme Georgette. Well, all those famous firms have their establishments on Rue Vendome. Ho we didn’t enter any of them. What could a fellow do in Worth* e or Paquin*francs. As for Tecla, well the pieces of the jewelry on display in the windows deterred us from entering there. Continuing on up the street we came to the Blace 1’Opera with the Opera facing us. It is a huge structure, covering at least a block and a half. Was mighty sorry to find that it was closed fir the summer, for I would sure have liked to see the interior. We were back on familiar ground by now, for theRue Lafayette rune into the Opera, and our hotel is only one block off that street. It being close to #Scoffing" time we decided to hoof it to the hotel and have a wash.
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