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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
Width: 636
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File Size: 992258
Filename: 8177_img_019.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:44:45.584Z
Original Checksum: a9da07ce9e5c87f5b590cec630dba308
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Creator Transcript
  • 17 I saw all day was the Glen of Drumtaughty [Drumtochty]. I would love to have a day to explore + photograph Dor tells me that until recently there were lots of deer on these hills but they got so badly infested with ticks they were all shot off. St [Saint] Cyrus July 31/52 [1952]. Wandered the beach at St [Saint] Cyrus. At the mouth of the N. [North] Esk then was a large accumulation of gulls + eiders in eclipse. Earlier least terns had nested but all are now away. Counted 20 salmon traps across the mouths of the N. [North] + S. [South] Esk rivers. Each trap consists of a fence about a quarter of a mile long. The inner end is on small piles the outer end is floating. Along the length are up to 6 V traps as below. [TRAP DIAGRAM] 2' 8" The trap part is roofed + floored. The roof has a small slit in it through which the fish are removed. They are taken out from high prowed dollys [word crossed out] dorys or by men walking the ropes. They are carried or towed ashore twice a day + placed in side packs on a small donkey. Needless to say the results are few + expensive In the evening Joyce [Cowan] + I drove the beach road from Johnshaven to Inverbervie on a
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