File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-08
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-08
- Fixity Check
- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
- Characterization
Height: 855
Width: 657
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 1073756
Filename: 8232_img_074.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:46:30.191Z
Original Checksum: 2ac41b3e68be0e446815b1ee2d93e7fd
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator |
Transcript |
- 3 daughters of 12, 10 + 8. Nice youngsters.
Just after dinner a terrific thunderstorm
came on + lightning struck twice
on [word crossed out] once on the electric transformer
close to the house, that went off with
an explosion like a bomb + the
smell of electric discharge filled the
inky blackness.
When we tried to get a taxi none
were to be had to so we started for the
station to catch my train by streetcar.
In 5 minutes we came to a wire
down across the trolly wires +
glowing red from end to end.
We hailed a passing truck + got into
town them picked up a taxi +
reached the station with 5 minutes
to spare.
The personal line up here is as
follows: L. [Lauri] Siivonen - director of the Game Found. [Foundation]
[Pertti] Koskimies [underlined] - biologist - has been studying
w.w. [white-winged] scoters 4 yrs [years]. Now on forest wildlife.
I. Lampio [underlined]. fur animals
E. Muroma - bacterial diseases part time
A. Artimo - muskrat student
P. Grenquist - a teacher - waterfowl
P. Voipio at museum. systematics evol. [evolution]
O. Kalela " " " curator
Prof. G Valiekangas ecologist + limnologist
+ ornithologist. Head of Zool. [Zoological] Inst. [Institute]