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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2040_97-051_136.tif
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  • / N°t going just where to go for "breakfast we decided to have it at the hotel. The cook is a lady, and what Phe doesn’t know about an omelette ien't worth knowing. That, with bread and butter, and some fine "cafe"au lait" comprised our breakfast. We very nearly had a catastrophe though. When ordering breakfast, the cook, who couldn’t understand English, was trying to find out how many*eggs we wanted. She pulled some new stuff on us, and we were up a gum tree until Eddie said "Why, she says that the eggs are finished", A civilian sitting at the next table turned to us and laughingly remarked that whet she wanted to know was how many eggs each of us wanted. After that, Eddie, as an interpreter, was tabooed. Breakfast over, our next job was to hunt up the A.P.M, or Assistant Provost Marshal, and have our passes O.K.’d. Here is where Joe's memory failed him. He couldn't for the life of him remember the address that the "red cap" had given him in the station the previous evening. Of course we didn’t lose the opportunity to tell him a thing or two. No use, however, he simply couldn't re­member, Nothing for it but to walk back to the station and try to find a. "red cap",. * Back to the station we went then, but by a more direct route than that of the night before. Just before we hit the station we met a 42nd Gan. Scotty Sergt. who though obviously still under the effects of an all night drunk, volunteered to take us to the A.P.M. Honest, it was really laughable to see the way the French people stared at his bare knees. Kilts are apparently a. curiosity down there. The main thing, however, is that he le^d us to the barracks where the A,P,M,’s office was located. We had. our passes stamped our leave dating from the 19th, end the pass being good till 11,^6 P.M. daily. If £ remember correctly, we" were only home at that’ll our on two nights. It being past noon, we took ataxi down to Maxavilles Cafe, on the Boulevard Montmarte, the place having been recommended to us by ffome of the boys who had been down on leave. Quite a nice cafe too with mirrors all around the walls. They're great on mirrors in Paris, The menu, being all in French, presented some difficulties to us, but we managed to make a substantial meal. There is one peculiarity about a, French meal that I do not like, and we discovered right at the start. We had a. steak and fried scuds, also ordering "petit cois". The steak and spuds came along, and we polished it off fine style, then lay be.ck and awaited the wild strawberries and cream, figuring that the waiter had forgotten the peas. To our sur­prise, he brought them along a,s a separate course, and while we ate them, must say we would much rather have had them with the meat. In future, we made sure that he brought any extra vegetables with the meat order, I)o you know that the common or garden variety of water is prac­tically a.n unknown quantity in a Paris cafe? They look at you in amazement if you ask for a "carafe de l'eau," and almost invariably
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