97-051_LTRS 164
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2068_97-051_164.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:57:47.224ZOriginal Checksum: e11193ba5d695b070f6bb73d0d153185Mime Type: image/tiff
- ’ had to get out of bed to push the button to unlock the front door, especially as it wasn’t the first time he had done so for us. The main thing, however, is that we got in. Can’t say I lost any sleep over him losing hie sleep. Was too tired for that. Found out next morning that the raiders- aeroplanes- had dropped bombs on the outskirts of the city, but just where or the damage caused was not stated, Fid less moving around this daythan on any other day of our trip, the main reason being that it was very warm, I guess we drank more citronade and ate more ioe cream than we did for the previous week. I dropped into a snorting goods store on the Montmarte Boulevard in the afternoon, and paid 17V francs for a pair of low "Fleet Foot" running shoes, the price of the same in Canada being one dollar. They sure soak you over here, but as I needed the shoes for base ball, had to pay the price. Bought a few more niok packs in a. novelty store on the same boulevard. And that was’'the way I nut in the time till 6.30 when we went out to dinner with the girls. After dinner- they being free for the evening- we taxied out to the Folies Mariguy, just bff the Champs Blysses. Usual French revue, dancing and singing good, and lovely costumes. Maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed seeing a. good American comio opera down there, but, no luck. Had quitea job getting a taxi after the show, in fact to tell the truth we< didn’t get one, as the car we managed to flag on the Champs Bllysses was a private one, but the driver wasn’t averse to picking up a few francs on the side. Left the girls about midnight, and had just arrived in our rooms when we heard the air raid warning being sounded again, Naturally we beat it back to the Marquise again, finding our kids on the ground floor, not quite so soaBd as the night before, but glad to see us none the less. An hour after the warning was sounded, the fire engine came through the Place blowing "All clear". Well,,we were tired, and the girls too, having had a strenuous afternoon’s rehearsal, so we "par- tied" for our hotel soon after. Pushed the bell three or four times, but the old man apparently was sound asleep, for we got no response. Seeing a 1 ightin Eddie's room, I whistled, and when he stuck his head out of the window, I called to him to oome down and let us in. In a minute or so down he came in his shirt-tail, and was just opening the inner door when the light was switched on, end the cook appeared on the scene, the racket we were making having wakened her. C-ood job she did come, for Eddie had discovered that if he let the inner door go, it would lock automatically. So while we could get in the front door, we’d still have the inner door to pass, and the prospect of having to stand in the vestibule in his shirt tail didn’t appeal to him at all.
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