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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 2760
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Filename: 5883_pp_239.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T19:37:09.184Z
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Creator Transcript
  • [Typewritten copy of journal of Allan C. Brooks] 23. Beautiful calm day, very warm (Sunday) to Chown Pt. [Point] saw a good many waders but no new ones. Sanderlings are 95% young, took 2 Wander- ing Tattlers. 24. [Rev. A.] Mackie went to Naden Harbor with Mr. Abrahams on the "Western Hope". I went around by Debatta N. [North] beach and Old Masset, no new birds seen by either of us. 25. To Chown Pt. [Point] Shot a lone Pac. [Pacific] Golden Plover, ad. [adult], Saw Red and Northern Phalecopes [Phalaropes], Wandering Tattlers, 1 black-bellied Plover ad. [adult], both Turnstones, Sanderlings, Western Sandpipers, and Semipalm. [Semipalmated] Plovers, 2 ad. [adult] Parasitic Jaegers, beating up the shore against the strong west wind. Over 200 white-cheeked geese seen. Large flock of Pintail going East. 26. Only shot 1 sharpshin, 2 jays and a junco. Mackie saw three Pine Grosbeaks. Fine and warm. 27. In a boat hired from an Indian to the sand reefs E. [East] of the inlet mouth. Fresh west wind. Saw 2 long-tailed and 2 parasitic Jaegers, 3 surf birds, both Phalecopes [Phalaropes], Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings and Western Sandpipers. Shot 2 Herring Gulls for identification, typical, smithsonianus adults in moult, bill deep yellow, eyelid yellow, iris bright straw yellow, wing pattern quite normal. A night-hawk reported by Britten and Lindsay. Hundreds of harbour seals, many dark brown ones. 28. To Chown Pt [Point]. Not many shore birds except Sanderlings. Saw 3 Pac. [Pacific] Golden Plover, 2 flocks
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