Transcript |
- [Typewritten copy of journal of Allan C. Brooks]
Queen Charlotte Islands
July 1936
1. In Vancouver beautiful day, Left by "Prince
Rupert" at 9 p.m.
2. Saw very few birds all day. Ancient murrelet
hear head of FitzHugh Sound 15 mis. [miles] below Ocean
Falls. A school of 20 killer whales at same
place. Marbled murrelet at Ocean Falls 6:30 p.m.
3. Arrived Rupert at 10:00 a.m. flocks of white-
winged and surf scoters, all males, migrating
south, very few other birds
4. Left Rupert at 10 p.m. on "Prince Charles"
5. Arrived Masset at 10 a.m. more birds in
Dixon entrance that I ever saw there right up
to mouth of Masset Inlet just outside the bar.
Black-footed albatross (8 at once) Fulmars,
many (all day) Sooty and Slender-billed Shear-
waters, Tufted Puffins and other Alcids.
Cloudy, fresh west wind, sea not rough.
Settled at Dr. Dunn's camp on Sangan River.
10. Changeable weather with a good deal of rain
and mist but not day when it rained all day.
Birds very plentiful for the coast, nearly all
the land birds have flown young. Have seen no
Jays to date nor any raptors save Bald eagles
and an osprey. Shore birds in some numbers all
adults going south, the Western sandpipers seem
to be all females, one taken shows old incub-
atings patches. Black turnstones mostly males,
a pair taken. Female only shows incubating
Two Jaegers seen together migrating, 2nd [second] year,
birds, I think, Pomarine. Gulls very scarce