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- in a prong; arc-shaped saw marks are visible on the blade; near the rounded butt is a conical perfor�ation.
19 Chisel
dark green mottled jade, length 34.2 cm, thickness 2-11 mm Western Zhou Dyer Collection
Long chisel-shaped tablet; the blade, its thickness diminishing gradually toward the cutting edge, has straight sides; the partly calcified body has been polished smooth and glossy; near the straight butt, which has a saw mark, is a biconical perforation.
20 Ring�disc
light green jade with white mottling and brown vein-
ing, diameter 13 cm
Dyer Collection
Plain ring with large irregular central perforation; perimeter and inner edge are rounded.
21 Belt Hook
white jade with slight brown markings, length 3.3 cm Late Eastern Zhou McElney Collection
Hook in the shape of stylized dragon�s head. Oval shaft decorated with incised S-scrolls and hatched patterns forming an animal mask. Three perfora�tions in shaft; stud has hatched designs; traces of cinnabar. During the Eastern Zhou, the belt hook was executed in a variety of materials, including jade. These objects continued to be made during later periods either for use or ornamental purposes.
22 Belt Hook
white jade with brown markings, length 9.3 cm Eastern Zhou Dyer Collection
Belt hook in the shape of a praying mantis; the head which forms the hook is simple with protruding eyes; the shaft represents the wings, it has two small protuberances with incised spirals; the sur�face of the wings is decorated with a row of reversed S-scrolls in slight relief. There is an inscription on the back, possibly of later date.
23 Zong
white jade with brown markings, height 11.3 cm; di�ameter cylinder 6.2 cm Late Zhou*
Dyer Collection
Cylinder enclosed in square corners, the plain sides slightly convex. Its convex sides are similar to zongs attributed to the Han dynasty in Western collec�tions. However, we know that zongs were probably never made in Han times.
24 Pommel Ornament
mottled black and white jade, diameter 6 cm Eastern Zhou - Han type Dyer Collection
Ring decorated with C-scrolls in slight relief sep�arated by striated areas, enclosing a dragon with striated tail and incised C-scrolls on body in open�work.
25 Plain Bi-disc
light green jade mottled with yellow, brown and
white, diameter 11.6 cm
Dyer Collection
Plain disc with irregular rounded perimeter and perforation.
26 Bi-disc
white jade? with brown flecks, diameter 19.2 cm Han
Dyer Collection
Plain bi-disc with rounded perimeter and perfora�tion; uneven surface has low polish.
27 Tiger
white and brown mottled jade, length 4.2 cm Han
McElney Collection
Small tiger-like animal, depicted lying with all four paws in one row; the claws indicated by slight inci�sions. The head seems to have a beard, incised facial features and concave oval-shaped ears. The base is flat.
28 Bear
mottled green, brown and black jade, length 4.7 cm Han
McElney Collection
Recumbent bear in compact shape with long, styl�ized fangs. It was probably inset into a metal mount of a belt or buckle. Three sets of perforations on the bottom for attachment.
29 Scabbard Slide
pale greyish green jade, length 10.6 cm Han type
Gift of Mrs. K. F. Chen and Family AGGV
Long and narrow rectangular plate with projecting, unequally down-curving ends. On the bottom side is an off-centre rectangular slot. The upper sur�face is decorated with a grain pattern of raised bumps within incised borders.
30 Miniature Scabbard Slide
mottled grey, brown and black jade, length 5.2 cm Han
McElney Collection
Miniature scabbard slide surmounted by a zhi drag�on with its head turned over the back of its body; finely incised tail, which is twisted to one point; the