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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
Width: 636
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 933858
Filename: 8162_img_004.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:43:54.767Z
Original Checksum: ad13fc04f28c23039c4d73ee1bdffb45
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • 2 fever of 102 degrees + is a bit more swollen. It looks suspiciously like mumps. As a result we put Ann [Cowan] to bed and Gerald volunteered as baby sitter while the rest of us went to a family dinner party. Host + hostess Jack + Elza Racey, others there Aunt Daisy + Aunt Bella. We had a very pleasant night - hot baths felt grand + a bed that didn't bounce + was long enough to straighten out in. Joyce [Cowan] as usual had laundry all over the place. July 11. Boarded the boat at 10 o'clock + watched the tugs pull us from the wharf. Very neat operation. For the family it was a real ceremony - their first departure from the American continent. A beautiful day as we steamed down the Saint Lawrence. At dusk we took Quebec passengers on board from a lighter + watched the people lining the parapets as the lights came on. July 12 Another fine morning but got cold + a bit foggy by nightfall. We had an excellent view of [space left blank] Island in the late afternoon. No gulls following the ship + no gannets seen. This surprised me as we must have passed close by the
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