Transcript |
- Hyla regilla [underlined] Tree toad
May 18th [1941] Heard Hyla [underlined] a [at] Big Horn Auto Camp
near Spence's Bridge.
May 20th [1941] Hyla [underlined] tadpoles were seen in pond at
top of Richter Pass, Keremeos - Osoyoos Rd. [road]
Many Hyla [underlined] heard in marshy areas
along lake shore at Osoyoos.
May 22 [1941] Several Hyla [underlined] were collected by [Ian McTaggart] Cowan
in ponds near dairy farm, Osoyoos.
May 27 [1941] One small Hyla [underlined] was taken by [Ian McTaggart] Cowan
crossing path by night at Mile 14 Camp,
Anarchist Mt. [mountain] Road.
May 29 [1941] Many Hyla singing in lake where we camped
N. [north] of Oliver, bounded by sage brush area on
3 sides + rocky hill side by the other.
Some Hyla were heard calling from the nearby
tree area.
May 30 [1941] Large tadpoles were found in pond
containing Ambystoma larvae, north of White lake.
Some were collected + preserved; hind legs well-developed.
Also seen in pond S. [south] of White lake.
May 31 - June 1 [1941] Many heard at Kelowna
June 4th [1941] Tadpoles were collected in 3rd [third] pond behind
Okanagan Landing, on commons.
June 5 [1941] Many heard at Mission flats, Kamloops.
Some collected in pond near Dom. Ent. Lab [Dominion Entomological Laboratory]. One female
clasped by Scaphiopus , found nearly dead.