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- Tiffany Chan
- Date Uploaded
- 2020-11-30
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- 2020-11-30
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Height: 6174Width: 4528File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 83917224Filename: Antique-Chinese_008.tifLast Modified: 2024-09-04T18:44:05.758ZOriginal Checksum: b89326537065da424d18e424c07a1995Mime Type: image/tiff
- bronze as the material for the base, and the vessels become much lighter. During the Ming, the wires were soldered to the body and after firing this often caused bubbles and discoloura- tion in the enamel. By Qing times, vegetable glue was used to fasten the wires to the body, thus eradicating the problems caused by solder- ing. Other earlier defects were remedied in the eighteenth century by repeated firings. Better control of firing allowed for a smoother surface with fewer pit holes, and polishing with pumice- stone brought about a smooth and lustrous sur- face. Heavy gilding of lip and foot, and of the cloison wires was particularly favoured in this century. All these new innovations allowed for easier production and greater refinement than ever before. Cloisonne artisans of the Qing dynasty used a greater variety of colours than the Ming did. The perfection of technique allowed for a more skilful blending of colours, and the development of additional colours greatly enhanced the natu- ralistic designs that could be made. Around 1720, a true pink of the so-called famille rose colour derived from gold chloride was intro- duced from Europe, thereby replacing the mixed red and white salami-like enamel known as Ming Pink. The presence of this purer pink is a sure sign that a piece is no earlier than the eighteenth century. New forms in the late seventeenth and eight- eenth century include Buddhist ritual objects, vases of archaic ritual bronze vessel shapes, and sculptured forms such as stylized figures of ani- mals and birds, and occasionally human beings. After four centuries of experimentation with cloisonne, together with tremendous imperial recognition and support for the craft, cloisonne entered its Golden Age during the eighteenth century. The Chinese art of cloisonne reached its zenith during the reign of Emperor Qian- long (1736-1795). The objects were technically near perfect, massive, heavily gilded, and over- powering to the viewer. During his reign a wide range of intricate decorations were used with motifs of antiquity, mythology, symbolism, and the beauty of nature, serving as inspiration. The lotus scroll and floral designs on the cloisonne of his period tend to be quite consistent having parallel wired stems with several different colours in the middle, which give a pleasant but discontinuous effect. Furthermore at this time, many antique cloi- sonne vessels were embellished with new fittings in gilt-bronze or gold, and often the Jingtai reign mark was affixed to the base to add lustre to the piece; as they believed that the best cloi- sonne was made during his reign in the fifteenth century. The quality of cloisonne during the nine- teenth century is thought to have gradually de- clined, only to finally re-emerge again with an increased mastery of the craft in the People�s Republic of China. 1 Stages in the Manufacture of Cloisonne Gift of Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Nixon, The Pagoda Shop, Vancouver, B.C. AGGV 62.231 2 Vase Ming dynasty; late 15th century h. 14 cm; The Reid Collection The conventional shape of this vase, with domed shoulders gently tapering to the lower section, is derived from a ceramic vase form called meiping. This vase is deco- rated with a well-spaced overall simple lotus scroll design. The lotus blossoms, borne on slender curling stems, are on a turquoise blue background. Rising from the narrow base is a fern leaf pattern. Coarsely filled cloisons and split wires point to a very early date. 3 Beaker Ming dynasty; ca. 1500 h. 10.5 cm; The Reid Collection The classic shape of this beaker, with tall flared neck rising from a central bulb sup- ported on a splayed base, is copied from an ancient ritual bronze wine vessel called a gu. It is decorated with a crude lotus scroll design and a five-petalled flower pat- tern inside the upper rim.
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