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to the sea wall along the Channel, which point we reached shout 11,30. Another stop here to allow everybody to have a swim, if they so desired, Quite a few of us went in, our costumes mainly consisting of a smile. Didn't stay in very long though as the water too closely resembled Beacon Hill to suit me. Capt. Webb deserved air he got for swimming across to Franoe, 100 yards would be enough for me.
Hit the hard pan again about noon, this time in the direction of the Military Canal, which I think I spoke of in one of my letters, as having been built as p8rt of the coast defence against the threatened Napoleonic invasion. An advance party with tea and extra grub had gone ahead i*n a boat up the canal, after first having received instructions where to meet us. We reached the appointed bridge at 1.15, but to our eurprise and disgust the commissariat had failed to put in an appearance. We walked along the banks of the canal for over a mile' in hopes of finding them but nothing doing. The O.C, decided to give it up as a bad job* so gave the order for us to fell out and eat what we had with us. The prospects for an "appetizing" fiieel looked rather slim just then, but fortunately two of the "hawkers", or fellows who carry around cakes, fruit candy, etc. wagons, had scented us, so we managed to make a fairly good meal.
After dinner we explored the ruins of an old Roman castle nearby, built centuries ago of course. Nothing much left of it now, but seeing that the remaining walls were 12 to 14 feet thiok it must have been "some" place in its day.,
Lympre Castle, the property of Mr. Tennant, bro.-in-law of Asquith, and under secty. for war, is just up the hill from where we stopped. One of our fellows who live in this district before going to Canada, has been all over the castle. One of its features is the garages, a separate one for each car, with the
name of the car painted outside. As he has twelve cars expect it is a f8irly good garage.
Had covered about twelve miles by this time, and about 3 0 clock started the return jaunt, „ this time along the canal banks. Was beginning to, feel rather tired, so. welcomed walking on the turf as a change from the hard macadam. Made no stops at all coming back, but kept up a steady pace, 120 to the minute, which enabled us to cover the six miles in a little under two hours. Maybe the floor of the tent didn't feel soft too after we were
dismissed. So taken all sleep is due me, and I'm
in all, I think that going to get it too.
a good night's
"Wheryu get 'at »ol Stuff" about doings at home being too commonplace to write about. I've just taken up five pages telling you about a simple little route march, commonplace enough to me but just the same I'll lay odds that it will interest all of you. Just the seme thing applies to news from home, nothing that you can write that can fail to be of interest to your "red headed" soldier boys. So hop to it, doesn't cost much for postage, and I