97-051_LTRS 122

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2026_97-051_122.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:55:19.843Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Prance, May 27th, I9i7. Pear Mother and Pad,- Honestly I don’t feel one little bit like writing tonight, but ee I have felt that way for some little time now, guess I’ll just have to buckle down and have done with it, nothing wrong with me of course, simply haven’t the "pep”. Weather’s too nice I guess. Will lay the blame there anyway, nothing much of importance has taken place since I last wrote, so am afraid this is going to be a rather uninteresting epistle. However will do my best, and they never hung a man for trying. We’ve been having a pretty easy time lately, drill in the morn­ing with every afternoon off. Can’t say I enjoy the drill by any means for I’ve yet to run across a docter who could drill a squad correctly. They expect you to take an interest in it - after a year over here - but when one has to carry out commands and execute move­ments that cannot be found in a drill manual, why I fail to see where the interesting pert comes in. However it pleases them, and doesn’t do us any barm, so why worry. We should be only too thank­ful that we haven’t to do the nonsensical stretcher drill of bygone days. Branched out in a new role a few days ago, viz, pitcher for our ball team. The kid usually hurls for us, but his arm was sore, so there being no other brave men available, I stepped into the breach. The game was with the Princess Pats, and I was lucky enough to pull off a $to 3 win in seven innings. They made all their in the firpt inning, but after that I had them on my hip, Am think­ing of trying out with Connie Mack when I get back. Had one of our periodical bath parades today. We’re very for­tunate in having the bathe located only 100 yards from our billet. Last winter we had to march five miles each way for a bath. As might be expected, we haven’t elaborate showers or enameled tubs to. bathe in. The tubs are round ones, too small to sit in, and the spray descends from a hole in a 2" galvanized pipe. Fifteen baths at a time, and the time allowed each batch is exactly three minutes. Think you could menage a thorough cleansing in that short space of time? Hardly think so, but it suffices to remove the surface dirt, and that's the main thing. The kid and I took in a bellgame about a week or so ago between the first and third brigades, and met Hank there. Same old Hank, only more so. Witness. "By gosh, Pete, I voted dry in the chateau there, and then went back to camp and served out beer in the wet canteen". A few days later Bill and Piute came over to see us, blowing into camo just before dinner. Had roast mutton, baked aotatoes, and beans that day for dinner, so theyhorned in on it. Mighty warm that day so we didn’t wander around very much. Went over to the Y. - 11 9 -
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