97-051_LTRS 199
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2103_97-051_199.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:46:52.379ZOriginal Checksum: 7c1b266c1dba968e2833940a4f804f88Mime Type: image/tiff
- # a motor bus from the Carlton drawn up at the curb, hut no driver in eight. Y/e were looking for him, when a porter from another hotel glommed onto us, and lead us across the street to the Hotel Europeen, at which hostelry we decided to stay for the night at any rate. Had a dandy room there, beautifully furnished, hot and cold water, in fact all that a buck private could desire' in the way of confortable quarters. Peeled off and had a good wash and eha^,e, after which we wandered down to the see front. Cannes is a very pretty town, es nice as any on the Riviere. After the dirty weather we left behind us up north, the warm sun- and mild breeze from the sea certainly put new life info us,. Spent the rest of the afternoon wandering up and down the Promenade des Croisettes, an extremely beautiful cement boulevard, some 20 feet wide, and running along the sea front for about 2 miles, bordered by beautiful palm trees.' The Carlton Hotel, at which we almost stayed, fronts the boulevard at about its centre, and is without exception the best hotel on the Riviera, I’ll bet it costs a fellow a small fortune to live there. Mighty narrow shave we had. Am sending some post cards in a day or so, which will give you a good idea of the size of this hotel, I thought that the Parisians were pretty classy dressers, but I take my hat off to th e " C a na an i t e eNever in all my life have I seen ^ such elaborate costumes and headgear as were on exhibition on that promenade, Pur lines dresses seemed to be the popular choice, invariably accompanied by silk stockings. You see, the sun was shining pretty brightly on the Mediterranean, sowe had necessarily to keep our eyes on the ground more or less, and that is how I noticed the stockings.. And the dogs - ye gods/ There were some lovely specimens. Seemingly everything from a Hungarian goulash to an aurora borealis, and all immaculate in their cleanliness. We had to forcibly restrain George from applying his pedal extremeties to the rear end of several perticulary ugly and emaciated specimens. We took in a show after dinner, but only stayed till half time. It wasn't very interesting, so we figured, a good night's sleep would do us more good, and acted accordingly. Next morning George and I wended our way to a photographers,,and the result of our visit will no doubt have reached you before this,' for I posted some of the pictures from Nice. Am very well satisfied with them myself, though thegang say that it flatters me. I leave it to your superior judgement. After dinner at noon we took a jaunt up the hill to see some of the very beautiful villas we had been told were there. The majority of them have roof gardens, and go in a great deal for colored terra cotta finishings. All have beautiful gardens,. some boasting both - 196 -
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