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Hope, Charles E. Canada's Oriental Province. Reproduced from
the country guide issue of November 1, 1930, Vancouver. (UBC-Sp, Col.) F5032 H79
Small pamphlet on the Chinese and Japanese presenting a contemporary view of the time. Suggests that the immigration restrictions of the time are insufficient to check growing hold of Orientals in B.C. industry and that it should be checked for the benefit of both White and Oriental.
Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. The Immigration Problem: A study of American Immigration Conditions and Needs. New York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1926. (UBC-Main) JV6435 J5 1926
An extensive study on the American immigration "problem" in the early 20th century. Provides a social analysis with an exclusionist bias. Has a chapter on "Oriental Immigration to the Pacific Coast States", and a brief discussion of "Oriental Immigration to Canada." Topics discussed: causes of immigration, characteristics of immigrants which affect American institutions, social problems of recent immigration, immigrant occupations, immigrant institutions, living conditions and congestion, immigrants and labour supply, assimilation and progress, immigration legislation and administration, and policy suggestions.
Jung, Douglas. "For a Humane Immigration Policy." Chinatown News. Vol. 7, June 18, 1960, pp. 3-5, 7-9, 11,
An address to parliament on the current immigration problems; alleged illegal entries.
Jung, Douglas. "What's behind the investigation?" Chinatown News. Vol. 8, no. 19, June 1961.
A speech by Chinese Canadian MP in the House of Commons. Discusses the problem of illegal Chinese entry into Canada. Provides suggestions and solutions to illegal entrants to achieve sure way of having their status "regularized."