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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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  • the other small birds, containing ants eggs etc etc [etcetera]. The giraffes breed yearly, a single [male symbol] Okapi with strongly developed horns is in very fine condition. The zoo is self supporting + is even expanding its capital plant on profits with an admission fee of 75 ore [words crossed out] 1 kr [krone]. It has had 1,200,000 visitors this year. Some wealthy members have given animals but not cash. There is a small group of shareholders that never take any profit. Shares are almost ungettable + include only 5 gest [guest?] cards per year + that is all. A board of 5 or 6 directors runs it. Other species of interest, Reindeer (15 yrs [years]), fed on grass + Cladonia, moose cow, fed largely on branches of trees In the museum I note that the Alces alces [underlined] has the antler bases curved downwards instead of up. This gives them quite a different appearance. Referring to the zoo again they have a good arrangement for the red deer + wapiti [ZOO DIAGRAM] service path, raised embankment 4' +/-, back pen [male symbol] + [female symbol]'s [text in diagram] [female symbol]'s only Front pen, fence of steel rails with narrow opening for hinds only, public path [text in diagram] In this arrangement the public can touch the hinds + calves but only see the bulls at a distance. Also the hinds +
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